Terminix® Gets Rid of Fire Ants in Raleigh, NC
Whether you’re a native or a newcomer to Raleigh, North Carolina, odds are you’ve had experience with fire ant stings. Burning, swelling, itching, redness—these are just some of the symptoms that can accompany fire ant stings and quickly demonstrate how destructive and dangerous they can be.
Luckily for residents of Raleigh, NC, the Terminix® Fire Ant Treatment plan will help you get rid of fire ants in your residential or commercial space as quickly as possible. Our proven methods go to work almost immediately, assessing the problem and employing the latest technology to get your fire ant problem under control and stop it from coming back.
Our Fire Ant Treatment Will Get Rid of Fire Ants in Raleigh, NC

We’ll send a fire ant treatment expert to your home or commercial space to:
- Inspect. We will determine the extent of the fire ant problem.
- Identify. We’ll find the source of the fire ant infestation and determine the colony size.
- Treat. During the spring/summer and fall when ants are active, we’ll apply one of the industry’s more effective fire ant treatments called Extinguish Plus®. It combines two ingredients that work against Fire Ants in two different ways: to eliminate the colony and insure that it cannot be rebuilt.
- Follow-up. We will follow up after a reasonable period of time to be sure the fire ant treatment is working to your satisfaction.
To learn more about our fire ant treatment methods and to get rid of fire ants in your Raleigh, NC space, call 1-800-BUGS-911 (800-284-7911) today to schedule a free initial consultation, or use our location finder to find your nearest office!