Get Rid of Fire Ants in Virginia Beach, VA with Terminix®
If regular ants can ruin a picnic, fire ants can ruin your entire weekend! Fire ant stings are painful and their toxins can produce burning, itching, swelling and even worse—especially for those with weakened immune systems like babies and seniors.
If you want to get rid of fire ants in your space, the Terminix® Fire Ant Treatment plan will help you take control and enjoy your home or commercial space the way it was intended to be.
We’ll Make Fire Ant Stings in Virginia Beach, VA a Thing of the Past

When you contact us to get rid of fire ants in your Virginia Beach, VA space, we’ll send a fire ant treatment expert to your home or commercial space to:
- Inspect. We will determine the extent of the fire ant problem.
- Identify. We’ll find the source of the fire ant infestation and determine the colony size.
- Treat. During the spring/summer and fall when ants are active, we’ll apply one of the industry’s more effective fire ant treatments called Extinguish Plus®. It combines two ingredients that work against Fire Ants in two different ways: to eliminate the colony and insure that it cannot be rebuilt.
- Follow-up. We will follow up after a reasonable period of time to be sure the fire ant treatment is working to your satisfaction.
To learn more about our fire ant treatment methods and to get rid of fire ants in your Virginia Beach, VA space, call 1-800-BUGS-911 (800-284-7911) today to schedule a free initial consultation, or use our location finder to find your nearest office!