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Pantry Pests

Pantry Pests Cost Time and Money
We’ve all opened that bag of flour or corn meal only to find an unwanted and unneeded visitor taking up space and causing us to throw out the entire package. More than just a nuisance, every year pantry pests cost homeowners nationwide thousands of dollars in ruined food items and dashed dinner plans.
That’s why the pantry pest exterminators at Terminix® are standing by to help you reclaim the kitchen and get rid of pantry bugs that are disturbing your dinner. Our team of licensed, bonded, and insured exterminators is well equipped to inspect, eradicate, and prevent pantry pests from ruining your food items and costing you extra money.
Choose the Pantry Pest Plan That’s Right for You
Terminix® includes pantry pests as part of our overall pest control plans at no additional charge. We’ll not only identify the reasons and the methods that brought them there in the first place, we’ll get rid of them and help you with proper food inspection and storage to prevent them from coming back.
From a one-time treatment to our best-selling quarterly service, our customers love our professionalism, our knowledge, and of course our 100% money back guarantee on all services.
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To learn more about our pantry pest extermination methods to help you get rid of pantry bugs, call 1-800-BUGS-911 (800-284-7911) to schedule a free initial consultation today, or use our location finder to find your nearest office!
Proudly serving customers in Fayetteville, Elizabeth City, Wilmington, Raleigh, New Bern, Goldsboro, Cary and Durham, NC as well as Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Newport News and Smithfield, VA.