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Wood Destroying Insects

Beyond Termites: Wood Eating Ants, Carpenter Bees and More

Beyond Termites: Wood Eating Ants, Carpenter Bees and More

When it comes to wood destruction, termites get all the attention—and deservedly so.

But there are other species of insects that can also inflict major damage on your home before you know it: carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and wood boring beetles are notorious for wreaking havoc and causing headaches from Eastern NC to Tidewater, VA.

Terminix® Stops Wood Boring Bees and More Before They Destroy Your Home

Your home is your biggest investment, and as such, it deserves the ultimate protection that only a trained Terminix® professional exterminator can offer. We don’t treat the symptom, we treat the cause by finding the source of the carpenter ants, carpenter bees and other pests and stopping them cold.

Our proven method of Inspection, Treatment and Prevention, backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee, gives you the peace of mind that can only come from the nation’s leading pest control company.

Contact us today and see for yourself why thousands of customers all around Eastern NC to Tidewater, VA rely on Terminix® to get rid of their carpenter bees, wood boring beetles and more.

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Call 1-800-BUGS-911 (800-284-7911) to schedule a free initial consultation today, or use our location finder to find your nearest office!

Proudly serving customers in FayettevilleElizabeth CityWilmingtonRaleighNew BernGoldsboroCary and Durham, NC as well as Virginia BeachChesapeakeNewport News and Smithfield, VA.