Terminix® Moisture Control for Wilmington, NC

Recent studies demonstrate that the exposed ground under the typical Wilmington, NC home gives off as much as 19 gallons of water vapor every day! Rising silently and steadily through the structure of the home, excess water travels through your home’s framing and materials to make moisture control a serious concern for nearly all homeowners.
Moisture control issues may also mildew carpets, furnishings and clothes, increase heat loss, and create mildew odors in the crawl space itself. If that isn’t bad enough, excess moisture can also create prime breeding grounds for termites, roaches, and other destructive insects!
Control Excess Moisture the Terminix® Way
Today’s tighter construction standards mean tighter joints, which is a good thing from a quality perspective. Unfortunately, it can only add to the moisture problem…

Today’s better built and more modern homes are most likely to need moisture control the most. However, they don’t often show the ill effects of excess moisture until it’s too late.
If you want to prevent moisture problems and reduce the chance of insect infestations in your Wilmington, NC home, call the moisture control specialists at Terminix®!
Five-Part Crawl Space Moisture Control System for Wilmington
For more than 80 years, our Wilmington moisture control specialists have helped save people thousands of dollars in construction costs. Our Terminix® Crawl Space Moisture Control System is designed to help eliminate a number of moisture control issues through our use of:
Terminix® can supply the right moisture control solution for you. To learn more about our moisture control services for Wilmington, NC, call 1-800-BUGS-911 (800-284-7911) today to schedule a free initial consultation!